Educational Identification Case Study: ASD, SED or Both? (Tri-State Webinar)
Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff, Parents | Topic: Autism, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education
Requirement for School / District Staff: N/A

On-Demand format
Presented by Susan Hepburn, Ph.D.
This webinar will explore the complexities of educational identification when a student appears to present with either an Autism Spectrum Disorder or a Significant Emotional Disability or both. Building on a previous presentation on how to approach this differential, this presentation will focus on case examples that help to illustrate the process and offer suggestions for educational teams who encounter this challenging identification issue.
Learning Objectives
- Describe 3 evaluation strategies that can help inform this complex differentiation
- List 3 things educators can do to promote home-school collaboration within the ed id process
- Identify 3 ways that a student with an educational identification of ASD (without an identified SED) may differ inpresentation from a student who qualifies for both ASD and SED
- Explain how the term "adverse impact" is relevant in educational eligibility decisions, such as: ASD, SED or both?
Presenter Information
Susan Hepburn is a Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Colorado State University and a licensed clinical psychologist. She is actively engaged in teaching at the university and consulting in schools on educational identification and intervention for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. She is collaborating with community partners to establish a clinic on the CSU campus which will provide evaluations, consultation, and direct support to persons with ASD and their families.
Contact Information
After viewing the webinar please complete a brief SurveyMonkey evaluation to receive a certificate for 1.25 CDE training hour.

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