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Colorado Department of Education Professional Development

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Closing the Social Emotional Learning Gap

Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff, Parents | Topic: Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format. Closing the Social Emotional Learning Gap
On-Demand format

During this webinar participants will gain an understanding of how to assess for missing social skills. Participants will learn how to break down large social skills into smaller skills sets that can be directly taught and measured. This process will result in the development of individualized social skill planning that can be used to generate IEP goal interventions and MTSS/RtI/PBIS plan goal interventions. Information will also be shared on how and where socials skills training fits into the FBA and BIP process.

1.0 CDE contact hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.

Contact Information

Amanda Nieser


1.0 CDE contact hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.

Professional development events offers a certificate

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