Improving Assessment, Preschool Services and Supports for Culturally, Linguistically and Diverse Children
Audience: Educators | Topic: Early Childhood Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education, About the Office of Elementary Literacy and School Readiness (ELSR)

On-Demand format
This course brings content developed by Clara Perez Mendez and Dr. Susan Moore of Puentes Culturales into an online professional learning offering. It represents a comprehensive examination of evidence-based practices for young children and their families whose background is culturally, linguistically, and/or ability diverse. The course has been developed from several years of work with Colorado Child Find teams and early childhood educators serving young children in inclusive settings.
Five important topics in five modules contain information and support materials are presented in a blended and flexible online format:
- Developing Leadership Capacity
- Understanding the Language Development of Children Learning More than One Language
- Reliable and Valid Assessment of Dual Language Learning: Stages, Processes, & Procedures
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Partnerships with Teachers in ECE Classrooms & Settings: Consultation, Collaboration, & Coaching
The audience for this content is primarily early childhood special education and related services professionals, early childhood classroom teachers and family/cultural liaisons.
Contact Information
7 Contact Hours of Professional Development will be awarded at the completion of all five modules.

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