Guidelines for Identifying Young Children with Special Needs: Partnership, Collaboration and Screening
Audience: Educators | Topic: Early Childhood Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education, About the Office of Elementary Literacy and School Readiness (ELSR)

On-Demand format
Based on the newly revised CDE Guidelines for Identifying Young Children with Special Needs (ages three through five years old), participants will learn about best practices in coordinating early childhood systems for screening activities.
The link to "More Info" will take you to the course in the CDE LMS which is a Moodle platform.
- You may access the course as a guest.
- If you would like to receive a certificate, you will need an account in the CDE LMS.
- You can log in with an existing account and self-enroll in the course following the instructions in the General Information section, or
- Contact Marcia Blum to request an account.
Contact Information
1 contact hour of professional development will be awarded upon completion of module.

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