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Using the Building Blocks of Brain Development to Support Students with Learning Disabilities
About this Series
This course focuses on using the Building Blocks of Brain Development (BBBD) to help inform educators' programming decisions for students suspected of having a Specific Learning Disability (SLD). The BBBD is a neuroeducational framework to individualize interventions and accommodations for SLD. The framework guides educators in designing and delivering targeted interventions and accommodations to best support academic and behavioral needs for students with SLD.
Additional information:
- This series is a continuation of the course, A Comprehensive Model for SLD Evaluations: Using the BBBD to Understand and Assess SLD.
- To provide practitioners and teams with an intervention framework, based on a convergence of data from a comprehensive SLD evaluation.
- This series is comprised of 5 modules with a total of 14 videos.
- After viewing the modules viewers can earn a certificate of five (5) hours of recertification credit by completing the brief evaluation and knowledge check found in the Evaluation & Quiz section below.
Module 1
Module 1 consists of two videos.
Module 1.1 A Framework For SLD Supports and Interventions
Duration: approximately 17 minutes long
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand why using the BBBD is important for SLD supports
- Review key concepts of the 3-factor model and the BBBD
- Understand some of the debate and research surrounding the BBBD
Module 1.2 Supports and Interventions
Duration: approximately 26 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand what makes for effective supports
- Understand critical considerations and perspectives on SLD and interventions
- Learn the important differences between interventions and accommodations
Module 2
Module 2 consists of six videos.
Module 2.1: A Review of the BBBD and Its Use in Supporting Students with SLD
Duration: approximately 12 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the essential components of the BBBD and its critical role in learning and identifying areas of need
- Learn the most effective supports associated with the Fundamental Level of the Building Blocks of Brain Development
Module 2.2: Supporting Memory Issues
Duration: approximately 21 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand why memory is an essential block of the BBBD and its role in learning
- Learn about effective memory supports to use with students
Module 2.3: Supporting Processing Speed Issues
Duration: approximately 17 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the nature of processing speed and its impact on learning
- Learn the most effective supports for processing speed problems
Module 2.4: Supporting Attention Issues
Duration: approximately 19 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the nature of attention and its impact on learning
- Learn about effective interventions for attention problems
- Learn about various classroom accommodations for attention
Module 2.5: Supporting Inhibition Issues
Duration: approximately 23 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the nature of inhibition and its impact on learning
- Learn the most effective interventions for inhibition problems
- Learn about effective classroom accommodations for inhibition issues
Module 2.6: Supporting Sensory Motor Issues
Duration: approximately 15 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the nature of sensory and motor (S/M) functions and its impact on learning
- Learn effective interventions for sensory and motor problems
- Learn about effective classroom accommodations for sensory and motor issues
Module 3
Module 3 consists of three videos.
Module 3.1: Supporting Language Problems
Duration: approximately 30 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the nature of language functions and its impact on learning.
- Learn effective interventions for language and reading problems.
- Learn about effective classroom accommodations for language and reading difficulties.
Module 3.2: Supporting New Learning Issues
Duration: approximately 20 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand why some students struggle to learn new concepts
- Learn effective interventions for “new” learning problems
- Learn about effective strategies for students that struggle to learn mathematics
Module 3.3: Supporting Visual-Spatial Issues
Duration: approximately 21 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the links that visual-spatial processes have to specific learning disabilities and interpersonal problems
- Learn effective interventions for visual-spatial problems
- Learn about effective accommodations for students that have visual-spatial issues
Module 4
Module 4 consists of two videos.
Module 4.1: Supporting Social / Emotional Competency
Duration: approximately 22 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the relationship between brain functions, learning, and social / emotional competency
- Understand key interventions to develop social / emotional competency
- Understand key accommodations that supports social / emotional development
Module 4.2: Supporting Executive Functioning Issues
Duration: approximately 28 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the importance of addressing Executive Functioning (EF) problems in students
- Understand key interventions for Executive Functioning problems (EF)
- Understand key accommodations that support students with EF deficits
Module 5
Module 5 consists of one video.
Module 5.1 Making it Real: Series Review and Case Study
Duration: approximately 19 minutes long
Learning Outcomes
- Review key points of the entire BBBD series
- Making the BBBD practical: Case Study
Evaluation & Quiz
To receive a certificate for this training please complete a brief evaluation and 12 question quiz. If you complete the quiz with 6 out of 8 questions correct you will be emailed a personalized CDE Clock Hour Certificate for five (5) hours of recertification credit. If you do not pass the quiz, you will receive an email with feedback and a link to try again. Please note that emails may take up to 60 minutes to arrive. To ensure you receive the email please add the domain "" to your safe senders list.
If you have any questions about the content presented on this page please contact Emily Ottinger.
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