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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund
Colorado received a historic infusion of $1.8 billion in federal pandemic recovery funds to support students, families and educators. The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, known as ESSER, was allocated in three installments – March 2020, December 2020 and March 2021 and was designed to help schools and communities respond to the pandemic and recover from lost learning opportunities.
ESSER I, II & III Funding and Timelines
Chart with time frame showing March 2020 to September 2024. ESSER 1: $120,993,846 Addressing the immediate health and operational challenges of education students. Spending Deadline: Sept. 30, 2022. $108,850,808 (99.96% Distributed to LEAs) $11,483,070 (10% State Reserve) ESSER 2: $519,335,311 Supporting safe operation of schools for students and educators. Spending Deadline: Sept. 30, 2023. $467,391,880 (90% Distributed to LEAs) $49,335,810 (10% State Reserve) ESSER 3: $1,167,153,961 Recovering from lost learning opportunities Spending Deadline: September 30, 2024. $1,050,438,565 (90% distributed to LEAs) $110,879,627 (10% State Reserve)
ESSER Funds Distributed
As of March 20, 2023
View Common Uses of ESSER Funds Data Table
ESSER Fund | Activities to Address Learning Loss | Other Instructional Programming | Preparedness and Response Efforts | Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies | Summer Learning & Supplemental Afterschool Programs | Other Support Programs | Educational Technology | Facility Repairs and Improvements | Improving Indoor Air Quality | Mental Health Services & Supports | Other Administration Activities | Remote Learning Supports | Evidence-based Activities to Meet Comprehensive Needs of Students | Supports for Students with Disabilities | Cleaning & Sanitization Supplies | Other Improvements of Instructional Services | Other Activities Necessary to Maintain Operation and Continuity of Services | Professional Learning Related to Remote Learning | Staff Training on Sanitation | Improvement of Secondary and Postsecondary Career and Technical Education | Discretionary Funds for Principals | Administering High Quality Assessments | Planning for Long-Term School Closures | Tracking Student Attendance and Improving Student Engagement | Supports for Students Experiencing Homelessness | Supports for Adult Education and Family Literacy |
ESSER I Total | - | $17,252,936 | $12,761,079 | $11,468,164 | $2,669,575 | $19,029,796 | $8,996,424 | - | - | $4,103,530 | $1,073,601 | $21,800,648 | - | $533,649 | $3,382,315 | $269,711 | - | $622,436 | $926,733 | - | $489,679 | - | $385,447 | - | - | - |
ESSER II Total | $58,007,572 | $81,591,717 | $45,224,937 | $34,263,066 | $29,534,008 | $41,409,411 | $22,463,230 | $38,303,493 | $11,343,541 | $20,387,104 | $47,20648 | $33,962,833 | $3,553,494 | $8,525,543 | $3,910,072 | $288,972 | $632,051 | $3,112,142 | $539,349 | $398,706 | $982,281 | $1,265,302 | $696,851 | $1,011,364 | $45,449 | - |
ESSER III Total | $283,631,812 | $64,582,077 | $96,547,587 | $95,363,608 | $88,138,354 | $41,598,893 | $46,880,232 | $40,015,242 | $62,603,312 | $42,817,444 | $59,080,376 | - | $38,629,244 | $19,231,003 | $7,260,383 | $7,654,312 | $3,108,198 | - | $1,022,524 | $1,379,619 | - | - | $169,353 | - | - | $40,000 |
Total | $341,639,384 | $163,426,730 | $154,533,603 | $141,094,838 | $120,341,937 | $102,038,100 | $78,339,886 | $78,318,735 | $73,946,853 | $67,308,078 | $64,874,625 | $55,763,481 | $42,182,738 | $28,290,195 | $14,552,770 | $8,212,995 | $3,740,249 | $3,734,578 | $2,488,606 | $1,778,325 | $1,471,960 | $1,265,302 | $1,251,651 | $1,011,364 | $45,449 | $40,000 |
ESSER Public Data Reports
Each state that receives ESSER funding under the ARP Act must publicly post and regularly update data on how students are learning (i.e., mode of instruction), including for student groups that have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The ESSER Public Data Reports page provides an overview of the enrollment and attendance of Colorado schools by mode of instruction (i.e., in-person, online, or hybrid). Learn more about ESSER Public Data Reports
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