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SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

Gilpin County Elementary School (1632)

Elementary school

Rural school

Google map of Gilpin County Elementary School

10595 HIGHWAY 119

Rural School.


Total Students Served

Pre-K - Grade 5

School Profile

About Gilpin County Elementary School (1632)


Gilpin County Elementary School


Gilpin Elementary has made several improvement efforts over the past few years. We have implemented a PBIS program with fidelity. We have implemented the 7 Mindsets, a social-emotional learning program. We have utilized Love and Logic to support consistent expectations and language throughout the building. In addition, we have added Lexia and Espark learning as Tier II interventions and differentiation to support student content mastery and growth. We have created a 9 month professional developm… ent plan that reinforces the following areas: Marzano's Instructional Strategies, Depth and Complexity Icons, data driven instruction using progress monitoring, and student engagement. In addition, we have increased coaching within the elementary school by adding an instructional coach two days a week. We increased our NWEA benchmark testing two times a year, fall and spring for grades K-5, to demonstrate growth/achievement and provide another body of evidence. We adjusted 4th and 5th grade teaching assignments to increase student achievement and growth. Teachers in 4th and 5th grade have departmentalized to support Math and ELA instruction. In addition, the Math interventionist's priorities shifted to grades 3rd-5th and co-teaching within the classroom. Targeted students receive small group instruction for a layered learning approach. Our school improvement efforts have shown positive results in our achievement data both on state assessments and internal units of measure. We will continue to utilize instructional groupings and make informed decisions regarding student growth and content mastery. Throughout the pandemic Gilpin Elementary students continued to achieve and meet grade level expectations on state assessments. We did not see a dip or loss of learning for a majority of our students. Gilpin Elementary students have been above the state average in all content tested for the past 2 years. We have a small ?N? group which may be impacting a true representation of our growth scores. According to our STAR benchmark testing, we averaged 1.4 years growth in Math and 1.3 years growth in ELA during the 2021-2022 academic school year. Our NWEA scores demonstrate that on average students in grades K-2 met or exceeded in achievement in both ELA and Math. Our NWEA growth scores in ELA exceeded expectations for kindergarten and 2nd grade and our 1st grade students were approaching. For Math growth, we met expectations in 2nd grade and were approaching in 1st grade. Our achievement on CMAS meets expectations in all content areas. Our Math 4th-5th grade growth on CMAS fell short of meeting expectations with a MPG of 22.5 according to our performance framework. Our total points earned on the Performance Framework is 45. Overall, our elementary students are achieving above the state average in all content areas and meeting expectations on achievement. Our growth scores are below the 50th MGP in mathematics on CMAS. We are seeing growth in our NWEA and STAR benchmark data in both ELA and Math. We will continue to address academic growth within our school and utilize Tier II interventions and small group differentiated instruction to close the growth gap and maintain a growth of 50 MGP. Gilpin County Elementary School is a rural school about 45 minutes west of Golden, CO, with approximately 200 students in grades preschool - 5th grade. At Gilpin we offer two learning programs within the brick and mortar. Gilpin Elementary has a traditional preschool - 5th grade school and a multi-age Montessori choice program for students preschool - 5th grade. We have a 4 day school week, with Fridays off. Students go to school from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm each day. Teachers participate in Professional Learning Community meetings two times a month during our scheduled late start days. During PLC meetings, teachers analyze student data and plan interventions and instructional strategies to support all learners. Students enjoy the following specials: Art, Music, PE, and Technology. We updated our playground 6 years ago. The staff is experienced and knowledgeable, many teachers have earned Master's degrees to improve their practice and knowledge. All K-3 educators completed CDE's READ Act requirements. The elementary school has a Title I reading interventionist and librarian, and an instructional coach 2 days a week. All teachers have a smart TV in their classroom and Gilpin has a 1-to-1 student/chromebook ratio. Teachers utilize Google Classroom and WeVideo for flipped classroom instruction which supports the remote and/or asynchronous learning model for students. Teachers are expected to utilize technology, Marzano's Instructional Strategies, an aligned curriculum, and instructional/differentiated lessons aligned to data driven instruction. At Gilpin, we SOAR (Safe, On Task, Always Caring, and Ready to Grow), which is connected to our PBIS program. At Gilpin Elementary school, our mission is to provide a positive, caring culture in a safe environment that is focused on academic excellence.



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School Year: 2023-2024
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