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GAINS Training
Grants Administration Implementation and Navigation System (GAINS) Trainings
GAINS Office Hours
As of July 2, 2024, GAINs Office Hours will move to bi-weekly meetings during the summer. Office Hours will begin July 9th at 12:30 and will occur every other Tuesday from 12:30-1:00 pm. The Grants Program Administration (GPA) Team will host office hours to support LEAs/LEPs on the access and use of the Grants Administration Implementation and Navigation System (GAINS), CDE’s new grants management system.
The weekly office hours are recommended for LEA/LEP applicants who are involved in writing, submitting, and approving grants administered by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). Office Hours will cover frequently asked questions (FAQs) and any other specific questions from attendees with a focus on providing technical assistance on the two grants currently open in the system, the Computer Science Grant and the Colorado Charter School Program Grant.
GAINS Small Bites Trainings
GAINS Small Bites are short (1-5 minutes) instructional videos on the our most frequently asked system assistance questions. Each Small Bites Video is paired with step-by-step text instructions that users can download or bookmark for future reference.
Getting Started
Requesting Access To GAINS (CDE IdM)
Requesting Access to GAINS (non-IdM)
Logging into GAINS with CDE IdM
Logging into GAINS with Native Login
Application Support
Navigating and Locating Organizations and Applications
Starting an Application and Section Navigation
Completing a Budget in GAINS
Downloading, Editing, and Uploading Budgets into GAINS
Fund Requests in GAINS
GAINS Resources for the Best Grant
GAINS Resources for the ESEA Consolidated Application
Please visit the ESEA Consolidated Application main page for programmatic and planning resources. The resources below are specific to the ESEA application in GAINS.
Acceptance, relinquishment, assignment and certification (ARAC) resources
- ARAC recorded instructions (recording)
- ARAC instruction slides (ppt)
Consolidated Application Resources
Previous GAINS Virtual Training
The GPA Team held a virtual training session on the new grants management system, GAINS, on December 5, 2023.
This training session was a system overview specially designed for Local Education Agencies (LEAs)/Local Educational Providers (LEPs) who were unable to attend the in-person training opportunities offered in September. A recording and the associated materials will be posted on the GAINS Training website following the session. The session covered the following topics:
- General Navigation
- Applications for Funding
- Fund Requests
- Checklist, History Log, and Comments
GAINS User Access Administrator Instructions and Training
CDE provided a training for District Local Access Managers (LAMs) in preparation for their capacity to continue to support district users with their IdM system access. GAINS is a role-based system, and each district staff member who will submit applications or request funds will need to be assigned a role depending on the level of access needed in the system (creating, submitting, and/or approving applications, submitting requests for funds and other fiscal reporting, completing required evaluation or data submissions, etc.). LAMs have been assigned the User Access Administrator role and will be responsible for managing the role assignment process or assigning a User Access Administrator role to an authorized user to manage roles in the system. The user access instructions, PowerPoint, and recording can be found below.
LAM User Access Instructions | LAM Training Powerpoint | Recording
CDE is committed to providing system training to all potential applicants and system users and will announce future opportunities as individual grant applications open and upon request.
If you have any questions, please contact gains@cde.state.co.us.
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