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Measures of Student Outcomes: Overview and Resources
Overview of Measures of Student Outcomes (MSOs)
As part of the statutory requirements for educator evaluation, a portion of the final effectiveness rating (FER) for all licensed personnel must consist of Measures of Student Learning (MSLs) or Measures of Student Outcomes (MSOs). MSOs are data points which directly measure educator impact on students. All Special Services Providers (SSPs) are required to have at least two MSOs. Different from teachers' MSLs, SSPs' MSOs are not required to have both an individual measure (a measure attributed to the individual SSP) and collective measure (a measure attributed to two or more SSPs); the SSP and their evaluator can determine whether both types of measures are appropriate given the role and responsibilities of the licensed person. Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, MSOs will comprise 30% of an SSP's total FER.
Note that for the 2022-23 school year, the use of student growth from the Colorado Growth Model or district/school performance frameworks may not be used as a part of licensed personnel's Measure of Student Learning/Outcome (MSL/MSO). All other aspects of the system will remain the same.
There is incredible flexibility afforded to districts/BOCES, schools, and/or SSPs with regard to the design of their MSOs. Districts/BOCES and/or schools are able to determine the number of measures attributed to SSPs (between a minimum of 2 and maximum of 5 measures) as well as the weight of those measures. Further, based on local values determined through stakeholder groups such as district/BOCES 1338 councils, there is complete flexibility in what measures are used and how success criteria is designed.
Below, engage in two webinars which are intended to highlight the meaning behind MSOs and how meaningful measures can be determined.
Webinar Part 1: Thinking Through District and School Measures
This recorded webinar is designed to be used with those involved in decision-making in your district/BOCES to determine the measures of student learning and student outcomes (MSLs/MSOs) for the educator evaluation system. This may include and not be limited to district leaders, HR and EE staff, evaluators, and members of your Advisory Personnel Performance Evaluation Council (also known as 1338 Committee). It is designed to be paused and lead to a discussion with your colleagues to ensure a thoughtful determination of your district measures for the 2022-23 school year.
Webinar Resources:
Webinar Part 2: Deepening Understanding and Creating Success Criteria around MSLs and MSOs
This recorded webinar is intended to follow the values-based discussion and determination of MSL/MSOs from the Part 1 webinar. This webinar will deepen understanding around the options for setting success criteria for a variety of student learning measures, and provide opportunities for teams to practice several methods for setting success criteria at both the individual and collective levels.
Webinar Resources:
Examples of Measures of Student Outcomes (MSOs)
- The Measures of Student Outcomes PowerPoint takes a deep dive into the steps for determining Measures of Student Outcomes (MSOs).
- Sample Measures of Student Outcomes have been created by work group members to provide a starting point for SSPs, their evaluators, and districts/BOCES as they make decisions about their evaluation system.
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for Audiologists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for Occupational Therapists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for Physical Therapists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Counselors
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Nurses
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Orientation and Mobility Specialists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Psychologists
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for School Social Workers
- Download sample measures of student outcomes for Speech Language Pathologists
- The Student Target and Scale Setting Activity walks participants through the steps in determining a target and scale based on given sets of data.
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