CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Digital Resources for Science (Aligned to 2020 Standards)
Teaching the Colorado Academic Standards in science is supported through a wide array of free instructional resources. This On-Line Resources section lists just a few of these resources and will be updated regularly.
For additional opportunities please check the Paying Attention to Practice and Professional Organizations for Science and STEM Educators pages.
The resources provided on this website are intended to provide a quick access list for educators to use in a way that supports their instructional planning. Provided resources should be previewed and used with teacher discretion. Because this page contains resources outside of the CDE website, CDE cannot control changes in outside content and listing these resources does not indicate an endorsement by the Colorado Department of Education.
The Online Resources Page is divided into four sections:
Within the Elementary and Secondary sections you will find resources divided into 5 areas:
- Media Services
- Interactive Simulations
- General Science
- Science and Engineering Practices
- Technology Integration
For website assistance in Science, please contact
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