CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Information for Families of Children and Youth with a Visual Impairment
- Family Centered Practices(CEC DVI Position Paper) (PDF)
- Specialized Services for Children Birth to Three: Clarifying Colorado Part C System Procedures for Children with Sensory Disabilities, April 2004 (PDF) and the Vision and Hearing Memo dated October 31, 2007 (PDF)
- CDE Sponsors the Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) Conferences , which are family centered conferences designed to offer support, information, and education to parents and professionals.
- The Educational Rights of Parents (English) and Derechos Educacionales de los Padres (en Español)
Websites for Parents of Children with Disabilities, Including Visual Impairment
- Family Connect for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments
- Lighthouse Guild
- National Federation of the Blind's National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
- Parent to Parent of Colorado
- PEAK Parent Center in Colorado
For more information on Guidelines and Support Documents for Visual Impairment including Blindness, please contact:
Tanni Anthony, Blindness/Low Vision Specialist
Phone: 303-503-4647
Email Tanni Anthony
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