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Definition: A child with deaf-blindness has concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that the child cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness.
Deaf-Blind Project
- Who is Deaf-Blind?
- Topic Fact Sheets
- Annual Child Count
- Professional Development
- Lending Library
- Colorado Resources
- National / International Resources
The Family Place
- Colorado Resources
- Other Resources
- Lending Library
- Topic Fact Sheets for Parents
What is Deaf-Blindness?
The term "deaf-blind" may also be referred to as dual sensory impairment or dual sensory loss or spelled as deaf-blind. In Colorado, we use the term deaf-blind to connote it as a unique condition and not simply a disability of vision loss plus hearing loss.
Deaf-blindness is a combination of vision and hearing loss. Deaf-blindness encompasses a spectrum from mildly hard of hearing plus mildly visually impaired to totally deaf and blind or combinations of the severity of vision and hearing loss. It is rare that an individual with deaf-blindness would be completely blind and completely deaf. Either the vision and/or the hearing loss can be present at birth or acquired.
Individuals who have a combined vision and hearing loss have unique communication, learning, and mobility challenges due to their dual sensory loss. Deaf-blindness is a unique and diverse condition due to the wide range of sensory capabilities, possible presence of additional disabilities, and the age of onset for the vision and hearing loss.
Other Disabilities
- Hearing Impairment, Including Deafness
- Multiple Disabilities
- Significant Support Needs
- Visual Impairment, Including Blindness
Colorado Deaf-Blind Project Co-Directors
Tanni Anthony
Phone: (303) 503-4647
Email Tanni Anthony
Gina Herrera
Phone: (303) 253-0451
Email Gina Herrera
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