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Graduation Data for the Class of 2010-11
Additional Information
The four-year on-time graduation rate for the Class of 2011 was 73.9 percent, which amounts to a 1.5 percentage point increase from the 2009-10 rate. The four-year formula, adopted in 2009-10, defines “on time” as only those students who graduate from high school four years after transitioning from eighth grade.
It is important to note that this new formula yields a rate that cannot be compared directly with data prior to 2009-10. With the old system, students who took longer than four years to graduate were factored into the formula calculating a graduation rate. Under this four-year “on-time” formula, a student is assigned an unchanging anticipated year of graduation (AYG) when they transition from eighth grade.
The anticipated year of graduation is assigned by adding four years to the year that a student transitions from eighth grade. In other words, the formula anticipates that a student transitioning from eighth grade at the end of the 2010 school year and, subsequently, entering ninth grade in fall 2010 will graduate with the Class of 2014.
CDE Press Release - New Federal Formula Figures Four-Year "On-Time" Graduation Rate For Colorado (DOC)
District Level Data
- Graduates and Completers by District, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity (XLS)
- Graduates and Completers by District, and Instructional Program Service Type (XLS)
School Level Data
- Graduates and Completers by School Gender and Race Ethnicity (XLS)
- Graduates and Completers by School and Instructional Service Program Type (XLS)
Still Enrolled Rates
Early Graduates and Completers
- 2011-2012 Cohort 3 District (XLS)
- 2011-2012 Cohort 3 School (XLS)
District Level Data: 5-Year Graduation Rates
- 2010-2011 Cohort 5 District By Ethnicity/Gender (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 5 District By ISPT (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 5 District Still Enrolled Rate (XLS)
School Level Data: 5-Year Graduation Rates
- 2010-2011 Cohort 5 School By Ethnicity/Gender (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 5 School By ISPT (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 5 School Still Enrolled Rate (XLS)
District Level Data: 6-Year Graduation Rates
- 2010-2011 Cohort 6 District By Ethnicity/Gender (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 6 District By ISPT (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 6 District Still Enrolled Rate (XLS)
School Level Data: 6-Year Graduation Rates
- 2010-2011 Cohort 6 School By Ethnicity/Gender (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 6 School By ISPT (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 6 School Still Enrolled Rate (XLS)
District Level Data: 7-Year Graduation Rates
- 2010-2011 Cohort 7 District By Ethnicity/Gender (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 7 District By ISPT (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 7 District Still Enrolled Rate (XLS)
School Level Data: 7-Year Graduation Rates
- 2010-2011 Cohort 7 School By Ethnicity/Gender (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 7 School By ISPT (XLS)
- 2010-2011 Cohort 7 School Still Enrolled Rate (XLS)
Four-Year “on-time” Graduation Rate Calculation:
Number of students receiving a regular diploma within four years of transitioning
from 8th grade during the 2010-11 school year
(Number of students transitioning from 8th grade at the end of the 2006-07 school year)
+ (Number of transfers in) – (Number of verified transfers out)
NOTE: In the interest of tracking student success, students are assigned an Anticipated Year of Graduation from the time that they successfully complete eighth grade. Therefore, while most students return to school after eighth grade, Colorado districts are also held accountable for students who never attend ninth grade.
NOTE: Beginning in 2006-07, Colorado school districts could not report students as transfers unless an official request for the student’s educational records is received from the school in question. If this request is not received, the Colorado district is required to report the student as a dropout.
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