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2017-2018 Graduation Statistics
Interactive Graduation Data
This dashboard indicates the graduation rates by school district for the 2017-2018 school year. Click to access, then hover your mouse over a school district to view additional information and special considerations.
State of Colorado - Grand Totals
Class of 2018
4-year graduation rate: 80.7%
Class of 2017
4-year graduation rate: 79.0%
5-year graduation rate: 84.2%
Class of 2016
4-year graduation rate: 78.9%
5-year graduation rate: 84.1%
6-year graduation rate: 85.6%
The four-year graduation rate for the Class of 2018 was 80.7 percent. Under the “Anticipated Year of Graduation” (AYG) cohort formula that was implemented in 2010, students are assigned an unchanging anticipated year of graduation (AYG) when they enter into ninth grade. The anticipated year of graduation is assigned by adding three years to the school year that a student begins ninth grade. The formula anticipates that a student starting ninth grade in the fall of the 2014-2015 school year will graduate with the Class of 2018. For more information, please see Frequently Asked Questions.
CDE Press Release - State’s graduation rate continues to improve (PDF)
Graduation and Completion Data
2018 District Level Data
- Graduates and Completers by District, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity (XLS)
- Graduates and Completers by District, and Instructional Program Service Type (XLS)
2018 School Level Data
- Graduates and Completers by School, Gender and Race/Ethnicity (XLS)
- Graduates and Completers by School and Instructional Service Program Type (XLS)
Full 2018 Release
Still Enrolled Rates
Graduation Rates for 2016-17
(Prior Year 2016-17)
Graduation Rates for 2015-16
(Prior Year 2015-16)
Graduation Rates for 2014-15
(Prior Year 2014-15)
Please see the Dropout Prevention website for more information.
Class of 2018 Graduation Rate Calculation
Four-Year Graduation Rate =
Number of students receiving a regular diploma in four years or less of entering from ninth grade during the 2017-18 school year
(Number of students entering from ninth grade plus number of transfers in minus number of verified transfers out)
NOTE: Beginning in 2006-07, Colorado school districts could not report students as transfers unless an official request for the student’s educational records is received from the school in question. If this request is not received, the Colorado district is required to report the student as a dropout.
Class of 2018 Completion Rate Calculation
Four-Year Completion Rate =
Number of students receiving a regular diploma plus those completing with a non-diploma certificate or High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) in four years or less of entering from ninth grade during the 2017-18 school year
(Number of students entering from ninth grade plus number of transfers in minus number of verified transfers out)
The completion counts and rates include all students who graduate in four years with a regular diploma plus students who complete in four years with a HSED or non-diploma certificate. It is important to note that graduates are included in the completer count and rate, therefore the completion counts and rates for any school or district will be greater than or equal to the graduation rate.
Special Considerations
- Small districts: 47 of Colorado's 185 school districts had a 2018 graduation cohort base (students who could have potentially graduated as part of the class of 2018) of 15 or fewer students.
- Other non-graduating completers: The 2018 four-year completion rate for the state is 1.8 percentage points higher than the four-year graduation rate. The completion rate includes all graduates plus students who receive a HSED or certificate of completion.
- Alternative Education Campuses (AECs): In the 2017-18 school year, there were 95 Alternative Education Campuses located in 48 local education agencies (districts, BOCES and CSI). Over 90% of the students served at AEC schools are considered at high risk of dropping out.
For data requests, please email
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