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Credential Statuses and What They Mean
We often get asked what a particular status, which may show under the "Credential Information" tab of your eLicensing account, means. Here is the list of status descriptions and their associated reason that may show and what each of them mean.
Credential Status |
Description |
Issued | This status indicates that the credential has been issued to the applicant by CDE. The credential is considered Active between the Effective and Expiration dates listed for the credential. |
Credential has Expired | This status indicates that the validity period of the credential has lapsed and the credential is no longer active. |
Application has been received by CDE | This status indicates that the applicant has successfully submitted an application to CDE's eLicensing system, but the application has not yet entered active processing based on the order it was received. Complete applications which do not require a Background Review are evaluated within 6 weeks of the application date. |
Queued for Evaluation | This status indicates that the application has entered active processing based on the order it was received and has been assigned to an Evaluator for a detailed evaluation of the applicant's qualifications. Complete applications which do not require a Background Review are evaluated within 6 weeks of the application date. |
Application Incomplete |
This status indicates that the applicant has not submitted sufficient information or documentation to allow CDE to determine whether the application meets requirements for the credential sought. Descriptions of the deficiency and instructions for correcting the deficiency are emailed to the applicant at the email address associated with their eLicensing account at the time the application is marked incomplete. Expect incomplete applications to significantly increase processing time as applications are processed in the order they are received based on the date the application becomes complete. (Incomplete applications may also impact a new credential's effective date based upon the date on which the application becomes complete.) Causes of this status include:
Documents Received for Re-Evaluation | This status indicates that the applicant has submitted additional information for continued evaluation of an initially incomplete application. Expect re-evaluation to significantly increase processing time as applications are processed in the order they are received based on the date the application becomes complete. (Incomplete applications may also impact a new credential's effective date based upon the date on which the application becomes complete.) |
Added Endorsement Added to License | Applicants who hold a valid teacher, administrator, or special services provider license, or Career and Technical education authorization, may apply to add endorsements to that credential upon meeting requirements for the desired endorsement. This status indicates that an applicant applied to add an endorsement and the endorsement was successfully attached to the credential. |
Fingerprint Audit - Insufficient Records | This status indicates that an educator must submit fingerprints for a background check before an application can be processed. Background information for all applicants must always satisfy current statutory requirements. In some cases, an educator who held a license prior to 2004 will not have complete criminal history background results on file with CDE. Even if a set of fingerprints had been submitted prior to 2004, under current law these educators will be required to submit a new set of fingerprints to meet this requirement when submitting any type of application. These educators will be contacted via email after confirmation that background results must be updated. |
Background Completed - Pending Final Evaluation | This status indicates either that CDE has received fingerprint results with no criminal history or that a background investigation initiated because of criminal history or other information has been conducted and cleared. |
Pending Background Review | This status indicates that the applicant's background is under review due to either a criminal history returned from the CBI and/or FBI, self-disclosed information within the application, or other circumstances warranting review by CDE's Enforcement department. There is no processing timeframe for background reviews - applications will remain in this status until the background check is complete, documentation is requested from the applicant, or further action is taken by the Colorado Board of Education. |
Background Review | This status indicates that the application is awaiting assignment to an investigator for a background review. |
SOE Issued | This status indicates that an applicant has demonstrated content knowledge requirements in the Alternative endorsement area being sought and has been sent a Statement of Eligibility letter. Once the applicant has obtained an employment contract (or other accepted verification of employment) and a Statement of Assurance signed by the Alternative Designated Agency and the eligible employer, the applicant will upload these documents via their eLicensing account to initiate evaluation for the Alternative License. |
Invalid - Inactivated at Holder's Request | Professional licenses may be placed on inactive status at the request of the license holder. While on inactive status, the expiration date of a professional license shall be suspended and the applicant shall be deemed to not hold that professional license. Online lookups will show an expiration date of the date on which CDE received the inactivation request and surrendered license. |
Corresponding Credential Inactivated | This status indicates the applicant submitted a request to place a professional license on inactive status, and that the request resulted in inactivation of that license. |
Corresponding Credential Reactivated at Holder's Request | This status indicates the applicant submitted a request to reactivate a professional license that had previously been placed on inactive status, and that the request resulted in reactivation of that license. |
In Progress | This status indicates that the application is currently being reviewed and needs additional research within the licensure office before being finalized. This status is reserved for special circumstances which may result in longer processing times. The applicant will be contacted via email if additional information is required to continue processing. |
Does Not Meet Requirements |
This status indicates that the requirements for the application were not met and the application has closed. Once the applicant has fully met requirements for the application, the applicant must submit a new application along with a new evaluation fee. Causes of this status include:
Application Submitted Too Early - Must Reapply within Renewal Period | Applications to renew credentials cannot be submitted earlier than 6 months prior to the expiration of the credential. Credentials cannot be issued based on applications submitted before this timeframe. |
Duplicate Application | This status indicates that the applicant has submitted more than one application for the same credential or process. |
Wrong Application Submitted | This status indicates that the applicant submitted an application that is not applicable to the credential or outcome being sought. (For example, when an applicant submits an Inactivation Request but does not already hold an active professional license.) |
Application has Expired - Must Reapply | Incomplete applications remain open for 90 days from the date of application submission. If an applicant does not provide a complete application within this timeframe, the application will close. |
Professional License Added to Master Certificate | This status indicates that an applicant holding a professional level license who has also completed National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification applied for and was granted a Master Teacher Certificate. The professional license is then added to the Master Certificate. |
CTE Added to License | For applicants who qualify for a professional (5 year) Career and Technical Education authorization and also hold a professional teaching license, the CTE authorization may be linked to the teacher license. This status indicates that a 5 year CTE authorization has been added to an active professional teacher license. |
Applicant disputing/disputed charge - application closed due to non-payment. Payment Due | Pursuant to Colorado State Law C.R.S. 22-60.5-112, no refunds or charge backs may be requested or processed once payment has been authorized for an application. This status indicates that an applicant owes an outstanding balance and any current or future applications will not be processed until the balance is settled. |
Pending State Board Approval | This status only applies to applications for Emergency Authorizations. These credentials must be approved by the Colorado State Board of Education, which may add up to an additional 60 days of processing time due to board meeting schedules. During the review of the application, the applicant should not assume the role of the position they are seeking. |
Pending SETA or TEI Final Approval | This status applies only to applications for Temporary Educator Eligibility authorizations and indicates that evaluation of the application requires and is awaiting input from authorities or agencies outside of Educator Licensing. |
Pending SLPA Final Approval | This status applies only to applications for Speech Language Pathology Assistant authorizations and indicates that evaluation of the application requires and is awaiting input from authorities or agencies outside of Educator Licensing. |
Pending Board Decision | This status applies only to applications for Career and Technical Education authorizations and indicates that evaluation of the application requires and is awaiting input from the Colorado Community College System Board. |
Expired - CES Form Received | This status indicates that a Change in Employment Status form has been submitted by an Alternative Designated Agency indicating that an Alternative licensure candidate did not successfully complete their Alternative Licensure program. |
Queued for Processing | This status indicates that a Reprint, Name Change, Inactivation, or Reactivation request has been received and is awaiting processing. |
Historic Credential | This status is used to indicate credential information that was transferred from a historical database prior to implementation of the eLicensing system. Information for these credentials may be incomplete or may not be currently available in the online lookup. |
Credential Annulled by State Board | This status indicates that an active or expired credential was annulled by official action of the State Board of Education. In this case it is as if the credential never existed. |
Credential Denied by State Board | This status indicates that an application for a credential was denied by official action of the State Board of Education. |
Credential Revoked by State Board | This status indicates that an active credential was revoked by official action of the State Board of Education. |
Credential Suspended by State Board | This status indicates that an active credential was suspended by official action of the State Board of Education. |
Voluntary Surrender of Credential | This status indicates that a previously issued credential was surrendered voluntarily by the credential holder and that the credential is no longer active. |
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