Colorado Academic Standards - Drama and Theatre Arts (adopted 2022) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. LDE Code: DT.P.1.1 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, create characters and environments using imagination and background knowledge through dramatic play or guided drama experience (story drama, creative drama, movement stories, pantomimes, puppetry, etc.). b. With prompting and support, creatively manipulate objects in a variety of dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Utilize storytelling, pictures, or books, etc. to provide ideas for character and environment creation. 2. Model dramatic play. 3. Utilize common items found in the environment as tools in dramatic play. ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Identify an emotion or feeling in connection to a particular action, facial expression, or word. 2. Use speech or sounds to imitate a person or object. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Management # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. LDE Code: DT.P.1.2 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, explore characters and environments using imagination in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Ask students to draw a picture or tell stories of their own experiences as a prompt for dramatic play. 2. Engage students' background knowledge through questioning as a prompt for dramatic play. (For example, "When was a time you were courageous?") ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Draw pictures or tell stories of their own experiences in order to form dramatic play. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Management # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. LDE Code: DT.P.1.3 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, identify similarities between a story and personal experience in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Model by sharing a personal or shared class experience. ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Recall an experience while exploring within dramatic play. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Self-Awareness # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. LDE Code: DT.P.1.4 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, expand characters and environments in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Tell or read a story as a jumping-off point for dramatic play. ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Listen to stories and use them as a jumping-off point for dramatic play. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 3. Perseverance and Resilience # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. LDE Code: DT.P.2.1 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, select a story for guided dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Describe or share about a cultural experience. 2. Build or re-create cultural experiences for children. ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. React to shared cultural or everyday experiences. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 2. Perseverance and Resilience # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. LDE Code: DT.P.2.2 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, create characters using body and voice for a story through dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). b. With prompting and support, interact with various items to create an environment for a story. #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Model characters or utilize books, movies, real life community members, animals, etc. as a way to show various characters. 2. Discuss and create experiences showing how technical elements help to tell stories, create mood, build environments, and define characters. ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Create a character using voice, body, and facial expression from an adult's modeling. 2. Utilize technical elements such as lighting, costumes, props, etc. to help tell stories, create moods, build environments, and define characters. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Self-Awareness # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. LDE Code: DT.P.2.3 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, identify skills and knowledge from other areas in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Model a reflective process identifying how certain skills or background knowledge might help inform creative choices. ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Share how they decided what a character might say. 2. Express why a creative choice was made. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Social Awareness # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. LDE Code: DT.P.2.4 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, perform character choices and emotions using voice and body in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Model various facial expressions, body movements, and gestures to express emotions. 2. Lead discussions to compare emotions and ways to portray each. ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Choose various facial expressions, body movements, gestures, and vocal choices to express character emotions to character choices. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Awareness # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. LDE Code: DT.P.3.1 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, recall an emotional response in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Ask reflective questions concerning a dramatic play or guided drama such as, "How did your character feel when the wolf knocked on the door?" "What did you do when your character felt that way?" ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Express (through vocalizations or movements) how his/her character felt, moved, vocalized, or gestured when thinking about various moments in a dramatic play or guided drama. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. LDE Code: DT.P.3.2 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, reflect on choices in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). b. With prompting and support, name and describe characters in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Ask reflective "what questions" on student experiences such as, "What did your biggest shape look like?" or "What movement was the most sharp?" 2. Utilize story to have students define a character's appearance and feelings. For example, "Which characters came to help?" "What did the animals look like?" "What did the characters do when they received help?" ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Answer questions using vocalizations or movements to define and describe characters. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. LDE Code: DT.P.3.3 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, identify and connect stories and cultural experiences that are similar to one another in dramatic play or a guided drama experience. #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Ask reflective questions that connect personal experiences to a story, for example, "What are ways your family celebrates different holidays?" ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Connect personal experiences and express ideas in reaction to a story through movements or vocalization. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Career Awareness # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Preschool, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. LDE Code: DT.P.3.4 #### Indicators of Progress ##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may: a. With prompting and support, recognize artistic choices by actively engaging in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences ##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 1. Use questions to lead discussion, for example, "When was the character really scared?" "What did we do to create the environment?" "What was your favorite…" ##### Examples of Learning/Children May: 1. Answer questions and express ideas through movements or vocalizations that define their artistic choices. ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Awareness # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.K.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Create characters, environments, and stories using imagination through prompted and supported dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). b. Creatively manipulate objects in a variety of ways in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can you create an idea with your body and voice? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What do you have in your classroom that could become a prop or a costume for your story? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. Did your class believe your item was the prop or costume for your dramatic play? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.K.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explore characters, environments, and stories using imagination through prompted and supported dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). b. Collaborate with peers to contribute to dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Collaboration and Teamwork ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What are ways you can solve the problem? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What was the idea of your dramatic play? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How did it change as you played? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. What do you do if there is a conflict when you are working with a group? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.K.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, identify similarities between characters and oneself in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What do you have in common with the character? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Do they seem like they could be part of your community? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.K.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Expand characters, environments, and stories through prompted and supported dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can you make your choice more clear? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Are there any more details you would like to add? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.K.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, identify characters and setting in a story for dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 2. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Who are the people, animals, or other characters in your dramatic play? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Where does it take place? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.K.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, experiment with character voice and body for dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). b. With prompting and support, experiment with various items to create an environment for a story. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why did your character have the voice they did? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why did you move your body that way? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What sounds, props or costumes did you use in your dramatic play? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. How did your addition of sounds, props or costumes change your play? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.K.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, use skills and knowledge from other areas in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Collaboration and Teamwork ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. When have you acted out a story for someone else? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.K.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, use voice, body, and facial expressions to demonstrate character in a dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Adaptability and Flexibility ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do you change your voice to become the character? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did you change your body? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How did your character walk? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. How did you move your hands? (Aligns with EO a.) 5. What facial expressions did you use? Why? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.K.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, express an emotional response to characters in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What choices did the character make that you liked? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What actions would you have changed? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How does a story or play make you feel? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. What happened to make you feel that way? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.K.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, identify preferences in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). b. With prompting and support, name and describe settings in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What choices were made in your dramatic play or experience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did those choices affect your play? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. Did other students make choices within your dramatic play? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. Who were your favorite characters? Why? (Aligns with EO b.) 5. Where did it take place? (Aligns with EO b.) 6. How can you describe the setting? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.K.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, identify stories that are different from one another in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Interpersonal Communication ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What are the similarities between the stories? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What questions do you have about the stories? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What interested you the most? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Kindergarten, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.K.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, respond to visual, movement, or vocal choices by actively engaging with others in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Interpersonal Communication 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Did you enjoy creating with others? Why or why not? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What was your favorite part of the experience? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What was your least favorite part? Why? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.1.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Propose potential choices characters could make in dramatic play or guided drama experience. b. Collaborate with peers to conceptualize costumes and props in a dramatic play or guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement stories, pantomime, puppetry, etc.). c. Identify ways in which gesture and movement may be used to create stories in dramatic play or guided drama experiences. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How would your character respond to situation A/B/C? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do costumes and props add to a theatrical experience? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. Why is movement important to storytelling? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.1.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Contribute to the development of a sequential plot in a dramatic play or guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement stories, pantomime, puppetry, etc.). b. With prompting and support, participate in group decision making (collaboration) in the creation of dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What happens next in this story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What is the beginning, middle and end of this story? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How did you solve the problem when working with your group? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.1.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, identify similarities between characters and oneself in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). b. Explore how stories are adapted from literature to a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Creativity and Innovation ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How are you similar or different from your character? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How is your scene similar to the story? How is it different? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.1.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Alter story choices in dramatic play or guided drama experience. b. Identify similarities and differences in voice and movements to improve dramatic play or guided drama experience. c. Create multiple representations of objects and environments in a dramatic play or guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement stories, pantomime, puppetry, etc.). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How did your group clarify or alter the story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did you decide to alter your voice and movement to make your dramatic play better? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. Did it make it better? Would you have made more changes? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. What did you use to create objects and environments in your dramatic play? (Aligns with EO c.) 5. Was it easy for the other students you were dramatizing with to understand what your object was? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.1.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, describe character actions and dialogue from a story. b. With prompting and support, explore character traits and emotions, and demonstrate them through body and voice choices. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why did you choose certain actions and dialogue for your character? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What do different voice and movement choices tell about your character? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.1.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, develop facial expression, body, and voice choices. b. With prompting and support, explore and experiment with various costumes, props, etc. that can be used in guided dramatic play. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can facial expression change a conversation? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can changes in your body change the way others react to you? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How can vocal changes alter other's reactions to you? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. Which costumes or props might make your story better? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.1.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, apply skills and knowledge from different art forms and content areas in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Creativity and Innovation ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can adding music or scenery make your performance better for an audience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How is performing a story different from reading a story? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.1.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, select and demonstrate appropriate face, body, and voice choices for dramatic play. b. With prompting and support, choose costumes, props, etc., and use them in guided dramatic play. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Creativity and Innovation ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why did your character's face and body move the way they did? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did you decide what voice to use? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What props, costumes, sounds, sets, or lights did you use for your dramatic experience? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. Why did you choose those items? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.1.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Recall choices made in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How did the students with whom you played change their bodies and voices to create a character? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What costumes, props, sets, sounds, or lights did they use to create the drama experience? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.1.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explain preferences and emotions in a guided drama experiences (e.g., process drama or story drama). b. Identify causes of character actions in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). c. Compare personal emotions and choices to the emotions and choices of characters in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Self-Awareness 3. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How did the experience make you feel? What was your favorite part? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why did the character make its choice? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. Did the character feel the same way you would have? If not, how would you have felt? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.1.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Identify similarities and differences in stories from one's own community in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How are your experiences similar and different to those of a friend's? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What questions could you ask your group about your dramatic play? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## First Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.1.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Build on others' ideas in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). b. Identify props and costumes that might be used in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). c. Compare and contrast the experiences of characters in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why did you make the choices you did in the dramatic experience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why did other students make the choices they made? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What were the costumes and props used in each of the dramatic experiences? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. How were the characters' experiences similar? What made them different? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.2.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Propose new details to plot and story in a variety of dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. Collaborate with peers to conceptualize scenery in a variety of guided dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). c. Identify ways in which voice and movement may be used to create a variety of dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Collaboration and Teamwork 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does changing one element of a story change the rest of the story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What parts of a story can be changed easily? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What can we create together to develop scenery? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. How does a performer's voice convey a message about the character? (Aligns with EO c.) 5. How does a performer's movement convey a message about a character? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.2.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Collaborate with peers to devise meaningful dialogue in guided dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. Contribute ideas and make decisions as a group to advance a story in guided dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Collaboration and Teamwork 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What do you think these characters might say in this situation? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why are character, setting and plot important in a dramatization? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How can we contribute ideas without minimizing the role of other collaborators? (Aligns with EO's a. and b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.2.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Relate character experiences to personal experiences in guided dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. Collaborate on the creation of a short scene based on a non-fiction literary source in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How are you similar or different from your character? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can we develop a scene from this story? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.2.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Contribute to the adaptation of dialogue in guided dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. Use and adapt voice and movements in guided dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). c. Generate multiple representations of a single object in a variety of dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, puppetry, etc.). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can this dialogue be clearer? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can our voice and movement choices demonstrate our characters more clearly? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What can this object represent? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.2.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, interpret story elements in a variety of dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. With prompting and support, select character traits and emotions, and demonstrate them through body and voice choices. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does acting out short stories help you remember key elements of the story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Explain why your body and vocal choices represent your character? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.2.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, experiment with changing voice and movement of a character in a variety of dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. With prompting and support, explore stage directions and the use of space in a dramatic presentation. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How would a change in a character's action change the outcome of a scene? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why are stage directions important? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.2.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, determine appropriate skills and knowledge from different art forms and content areas to apply in a guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Social Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Can you select music or scenery to make your performance better for an audience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What other skills have you learned that could help tell the story? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.2.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, contribute to the ensemble in a variety of dramatic experiences (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. With prompting and support, consistently demonstrate emotions and other characterizations through movement and voice in a variety of dramatic experiences. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Collaboration and Teamwork 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Management ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What are your responsibilities as a member of an ensemble? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does being a member of an ensemble change the creative process? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How do character choices convey meaning to the intended audience? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.2.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Recognize when artistic choices are made in a guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can we represent an idea with our body or voice? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What was your favorite thing to see in the play? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.2.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explain how personal preferences and experiences impact audience response in a guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. Identify causes and effects of character actions in a guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). c. Explain or use text and pictures to describe how others' emotions and choices may compare to the emotions and choices of characters in a guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why did we all enjoy different parts of the story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What would have happened to the character if they made a different choice? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. Who would react the same as the characters in the same situation? Who would react differently? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.2.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Identify similarities and differences in stories from multiple cultures in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Social Awareness 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why are there so many plots that revolve around community and family stories? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What do all of these stories have in common? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What can we learn from our collaborations? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Second Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.2.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Reflect on collaboration in a scene in a guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). b. Discuss the use a prop or costume in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama) to describe characters, settings, or events. c. Describe how characters respond to challenges in a guided drama experience (e.g., story drama, creative drama, movement pieces, pantomime, etc.). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Global and Cultural Awareness 2. Social Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How are performers impacted by feedback? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did the costume or prop help tell the story? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How did the character overcome the obstacles? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.3.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Investigate through collaboration to determine how characters might move and speak to support the story and given circumstances in a creative drama or theatre work. b. Imagine and articulate ideas for costumes, props, and sets for the environment and characters in a creative drama or theatre work. c. Create characters, imagined worlds, and improvised stories in creative drama and theatre. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What etiquette is important in the collaboration process? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What choices can you make to help the costumes fit the drama or theatre work? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What parts of your body are most used to portray a character? (Aligns with EO c.) 4. What do you need to know about your character before you can bring it to life? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.3.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Devise original ideas for creative drama and theatre through various forms of independent, group collaboration, and whole class investigation. b. Explore roles and responsibilities required to create a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why must scenes have a beginning, middle and end? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What types of jobs need to be done to make a drama work? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.3.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Use personal experience and background knowledge to create connections to community and culture in creative drama and theatre. b. Collaborate on the creation of a short scene based on a non-fiction literary source in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama or story drama). #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How are these characters representative of their community or culture? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How could we develop a play from this story or piece of literature? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.3.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explore possible revisions or adaptions that could be made in a creative drama or theatre work. b. Participate and contribute to physical and vocal exploration in an improvised or scripted work. c. Identify design and technical choices that support a devised or scripted work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Collaboration and Teamwork 2. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why is it important to consider your use of time? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How is working alone different from working with a partner? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What are the extents of your voice? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. What are the extents to your physical movements? (Aligns with EO b.) 5. Why is it good to refine and practice design and technical choices? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.3.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, identify and apply the elements of dramatic structure to a creative drama or theatre work. b. With prompting and support, investigate how movement and voice enhance a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What is the idea that grabs your attention in a favorite story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do theatrical performances and creative drama portray dramatic structure? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How are movement and voice similar? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.3.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, collaborate as an ensemble to integrate movement and vocal choices in a creative drama or theatre work. b. With prompting and support, explore alternative basic technical elements (e.g., setting, props, and costumes) used in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Collaboration and Teamwork 2. Adaptability and Flexibility ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do the skills needed to create theatre change as the size of your group changes? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do the different elements of technical theatre impact an audience? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.3.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, identify connections to community, social issues, and other content areas in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Do you see any connections between a story and your own life? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.3.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With prompting and support, use individual, small ensemble and/or audience feedback to guide performance in creative drama and theatre works. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do you make your scene understandable to your audience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does the audience's response to a performance alter the way it is performed? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.3.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Understand and interpret why artistic choices are made in creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What do you think about when watching a performance? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do the surroundings such as sets, props, and costumes influence your opinion of a performance? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.3.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Utilize various personal experiences and background knowledge to analyze creative drama or theatre work. b. Examine and analyze the different ways characters are developed through the inclusion of props, costume design, and makeup that reflect cultural perspectives in creative drama or theatre work. c. Examine how connections are made between oneself and a character's emotions in creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy 3. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can personal experiences affect how audience members feel when viewing a performance? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What are the technical choices that develop characters? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What are the physical choices that show how an actor connects his/herself to a character's emotions? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.3.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Examine how artists have historically presented the same stories using different art forms, genres, or drama/theatre conventions. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How is theatre in the United States different from other cultures? How is it similar? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why do various cultures seem to tell the same stories? How do these similar stories differ? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How can we adapt our stories to understand other perspectives? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. How can we adapt our perspectives to understand other stories? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Third Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.3.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Identify the processes that groups use to evaluate creative drama or theatre work. b. Consider and analyze design or technical elements from multiple creative drama or theatre works. c. Evaluate and analyze problems and situations in a creative drama or theatre work from an audience perspective. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What ways did the ensemble work together? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Which ways created stronger theatre pieces? Why? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How does the placement of items on stage affect the audience? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. Why is furniture set where it is in your house? (Aligns with EO b.) 5. How does the placement of items on stage affect the performers? (Aligns with EO b.) 6. Why is it important for audience members to see a problem solved on stage? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.4.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Generate the visual details of characters, imagined worlds, and improvised stories that support the given circumstances in a creative drama or theatre work. b. Visualize and design technical elements that support the story and given circumstances in creative drama or theatre work. c. Imagine and articulate how a character might move and speak to support the story and given circumstances in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can props, set and costumes help tell a story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can we design these technical elements? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How do voice and movement choices help clarify the story? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.4.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Collaborate to devise original ideas for a creative drama or theatre work through various forms of independent work, group collaboration, and whole class investigation. b. Make and discuss group decisions and identify responsibilities required to present a creative drama or theatre work to peers. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can character and plot choices help to tell this story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can this group identify and assign responsibilities to present this theatre work to our peers? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.4.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Investigate cross-cultural approaches to storytelling in a creative drama or theatre work. b. Identify historical sources that explain terminology and conventions in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do personal or community experiences inform artmaking? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does theatre of this time period compare with today? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.4.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Collaborate with peers to revise, refine, and adapt ideas to fit the given parameters of a creative drama or theatre work. b. Develop characters through physical and vocal explorations in an improvised or scripted work. c. Practice design and technical choices to fit the given parameters in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can we work together to rehearse and improve this theatre work? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can we develop our characters more fully through physical and vocal exploration? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How can we refine technical choices to realize our artistic work? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.4.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With support, describe the underlying thoughts and emotions that create dialogue and action in a creative drama or theatre work. b. With support, use physical or vocal choices to create meaning in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Social Awareness 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do a character's thoughts and emotions drive how they speak and move on the stage? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. As an ensemble of artists, what artistic choices conveyed the clearest meaning and why? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.4.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. As an ensemble, collaborate to integrate movement and vocal choices in a creative drama or theatre work. b. Propose design or technical element choices to enhance the meaning of a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Collaboration and Teamwork 2. Adaptability and Flexibility ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can working together as an ensemble aid in creating a work larger than what one person can do? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do we collaborate with others? Why? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How does the addition of props, costumes, or other technical elements enhance the performance? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.4.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With support, respond to community and social issues and incorporate other content areas in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How might you perform a story that teaches a lesson about a social issue? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What skills are needed for sharing an opinion? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.4.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. With support, perform a small ensemble creative drama or theatre work for an audience of peers. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can you be present, focused, and confident in a performance or sharing? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does this help convey meaning in a performance? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.4.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Analyze personal reactions to artistic choices made in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do students develop aesthetic choices in life? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What kinds of art speaks to students and why? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What does a work of art mean? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. How does this apply to the lives of our school and community? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.4.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Compare and contrast multiple personal experiences when participating in or observing a creative drama or theatre work. b. Compare and contrast the characters in creative drama and theatre works through identifying prop choices and makeup and costume designs that reflect cultural perspective. c. Identify and discuss physiological changes connected to emotion and character development in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy 3. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What selections in the performance most engaged the audience and why? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Could you relate to character(s) in this story? Why or why not? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How did props, makeup, and costume help create specific and believable characters? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. What changes did you observe in character(s) from the beginning to the end of the piece? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.4.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Identify the ways a creative drama or theatre work reflects the perspectives of a community or culture. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What questions or themes are explored in a dramatic piece? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why are these themes relevant to our world today? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fourth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.4.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Propose a plan to evaluate a creative drama or theatre work. b. Investigate how design or technical elements may support a theme or idea in a creative drama or theatre work. c. Hypothesize how a character's choices may impact an audience's perspective in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Is there a way we can share our thoughts about the work? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do we respond to theatre? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How does design impact the performers and audience? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. What character choices most engaged the audience and why? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.5.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Invent physical qualities that reveal a character's inner traits and given circumstances in the imagined world of a creative drama or theatre work. b. Propose design ideas that support the story and given circumstances in a creative drama or theatre work. c. Generate a cohesive expression of a creative drama or theatre work that demonstrates character, visual, and design elements, and story. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What kind of physical qualities reveal character? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What type of design ideas could enhance the telling of this story? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How do actors or designers introduce new ideas and information in an improvised scene/story? (Aligns with EO's a. and b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.5.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Collaborate with peers to make choices concerning a story's imagined situation that enhance and deepen characters and plot. b. Participate in defined responsibilities of theatre practitioners in order to present a creative drama or theatre work informally to an audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do students select acting or design choices that most clearly tell a story to an audience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do they collaborate with ensemble members to make these selections? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.5.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Analyze commonalities and differences between stories set in different cultures in preparation for a creative drama or theatre work. b. Compare the drama or theatre conventions of a given time period with those of the present. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What are the similarities and differences between these two stories and the cultures they are from? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. When and where did this theatre term or convention originate? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.5.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Revise and improve improvised or scripted work through rehearsal and self or peer critique. b. Make physical and vocal choices to continually develop characters in an improvised or scripted creative drama or theatre work. c. Create innovative solutions to design and technical problems that arise in rehearsal for a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Collaboration and Teamwork ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do we listen to feedback and work together as an ensemble to problem solve? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do we use our physical and vocal skills to continue to develop character? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How do we solve technical problems together? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.5.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Describe the underlying thoughts and emotions that create dialogue and action in a creative drama or theatre work. b. Make physical and vocal choices to interpret a character's motivation in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What is subtext? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does subtext affect a character's voice and movements? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What impact will these choices have on the audience? (Aligns with EO's a. and b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.5.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. As an ensemble, collaborate, choose, and implement acting exercises that can enhance a creative drama or theatre work. b. As an ensemble, collaborate, choose, and implement technical elements that can enhance a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Collaboration and Teamwork 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do acting exercises enhance characterization in a theatre production? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do script requirements of environment, time, and action affect scene design? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.5.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explain how creative drama or theatre work connects oneself to a community or culture. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Social Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can theatre affect community? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can theatre connect members of a community? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How can theatre help you understand another group in your community? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.5.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Perform small ensemble creative drama or theatre work for an audience of peers using technical elements to enhance the meaning. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Media Literacy 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does performing a scene or play reflect an understanding of a theme or piece of dramatic literature? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What artistic skills do students utilize in a final performance or sharing? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. To what degree do they use body, voice, and imagination to convey ideas? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. How do technical selections help tell a story? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.5.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explain personal reactions to artistic choices made in a creative drama or theatre work through participation and observation. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do you make decisions about your personal aesthetics? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What forces inform these selections? Why? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.5.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Justify or explain personal reactions when participating in or observing a creative drama or theatre work. b. Explain responses to characters based on personal cultural perspectives when participating in or observing a creative drama or theatre work. c. Investigate the effects of emotions on posture, gesture, breathing, and vocal intonation in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy 3. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What was your initial emotional experience to the piece and why? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why do you think the artists made those choices? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What impact did the work have on you as an audience member, and what other choices could have helped to make a performance clearer or more meaningful? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. In what ways can we observe the emotions of a character? (Aligns with EO c.) 5. How can an actor express emotion through voice and movement? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.5.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Investigate historical, global, and social issues expressed in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What did the audience come away with in their hearts and minds after the performance? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What moments were most engaging and why? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What moments were the least engaging and why? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. If the performance could be reworked, what should be changed, altered, or clarified and why? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Fifth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.5.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Develop and implement a plan to evaluate a creative drama or theatre work. b. Assess how technical elements represent the theme of a creative drama or theatre work. c. Recognize and connect how a character's circumstances impact an audience's perspective in a creative drama or theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Which character choices most engaged the audience and why? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did the costumes, props, sound, lighting, and scenic choices help the audience understand the theme of the story? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How does altering a design choice impact the performers and audience? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.6.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Identify possible solutions to staging challenges in a drama/theatre work. b. Identify possible solutions to design challenges in a drama/theatre work. c. Explore a scripted or improvised character by imagining the given circumstances in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why does the location of the audience matter when telling a story in theatre? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What seems like it would be the hardest technical part of doing this show? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What is your character thinking? How do you know? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.6.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Analyze to improve, refine, and evolve original ideas and artistic choices in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. b. Contribute ideas and accept and incorporate the ideas of others in preparing or devising a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Collaboration and Teamwork ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What makes a "good" story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. In how many ways can one story be told? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What role does imagination play in a scene or story? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.6.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explain how the actions and motivations of characters in a drama/theatre work impact perspectives of self, community, or culture. b. Investigate the time period and place of a drama/theatre work to better understand performance and design choices. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Adaptability and Flexibility ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. In what way do the actions of a character reflect those of self, community, or culture? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did performance and design choices help tell the story? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.6.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Examine and articulate choices to refine a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. b. Identify and employ effective physical and vocal traits of characters in an improvised or scripted drama/theatre work. c. Explore a planned technical design during the rehearsal process for a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why is a theatre artist's focus important? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do you select physical and vocal traits to improve the story? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What part of a technical design helps tell the story? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.6.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Identify the essential events in a story or script that make up the dramatic structure in a drama/theatre work. b. Experiment with various physical and vocal choices to communicate character in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why is it important to understand the dramatic structure in drama/theatre work? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does experimenting with character choices improve your performance? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.6.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Participate in a variety of acting exercises and techniques that can be applied in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance. b. Articulate how technical elements are integrated into a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do theatre games help you in your life? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can you connect our theatre games to our rehearsals? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What technical elements do you notice in a show? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.6.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Establish a relationship with the audience and the ensemble during a performance of a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Social Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. In what ways was the relationship established? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.6.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Adapt a drama/theatre work and present it for an audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Media Literacy 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How did it feel to have an audience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What would you do differently next time? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.6.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Describe and record personal reactions to artistic choices in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How is experiencing theatre live different from sitting in a movie theater or watching a movie in your living room? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.6.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explain how artists make choices based on personal experience in a drama/theatre work. b. Identify cultural perspectives that may influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work. c. Identify personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs through participation in or observation of drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Global and Cultural Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What would the experience have been like if costumes, scenery, etc. were not there? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do the technical elements make you feel? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How does someone else's point of view differ from yours? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. How would you have performed that character differently? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.6.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Research the story elements of a staged drama/theatre work and compare them to another production of the same work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What stood out to you in the differences of the two stories? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Sixth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.6.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Use supporting evidence and criteria to evaluate drama/theatre work. b. Analyze the production elements used in a drama/theatre work to assess aesthetic choices. c. Identify a specific audience or purpose for a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do you know what went well? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can the use of a prop, costume, piece of music, or other technical elements transport the audience to another time period? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What did the technical aspects remind you of from your life? (Aligns with EO c.) 4. Why is storytelling important? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.7.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Integrate multiple perspectives and solutions to staging challenges in a drama/theater work. b. Explain and present possible solutions to design challenges in a drama/theater work. c. Envision and describe a scripted or improvised character's inner thoughts and objectives in a drama/theater work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why does the location of the audience matter when telling a story in theatre? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do you come to a solution (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What challenges does the script present and how might you overcome them? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. What are your character's inner thoughts? How do you know? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.7.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Examine and justify original ideas and artistic choices in a drama/theater work based on background knowledge, historical, and cultural context. b. Demonstrate mutual respect for self and others and their roles in preparing or devising drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What makes an actor's performance of a character intriguing? How? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do ensembles accomplish their goal? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.7.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Consider incorporating multiple perspectives and diverse community ideas in a drama/theatre work. b. Examine research relevant to the drama/theatre work to better understand performance and design choices. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Social Awareness 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can you show respect for a space and the people who have worked to put together a performance? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can research be used to enhance a drama/theatre work? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.7.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Demonstrate focus and concentration in the rehearsal process to analyze and refine choices in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. b. Develop effective physical and vocal traits of characters in an improvised or scripted drama/theatre work. c. Implement planned technical design elements during the rehearsal process for a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does staying in character enhance the rehearsal process? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why should you experiment with different choices for your character? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What effect does one technical element have on another?" (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.7.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Experiment various staging choices to enhance the story in a drama/theatre work. b. Apply various character objectives in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 4. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can you adjust levels, space, tempo, etc. to enhance your story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does the ability to portray the same character from many perspectives enhance an actor's skill? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.7.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Recognize how acting exercises and techniques can be applied to a drama/theatre work. b. Choose a variety of technical elements that can be applied to a design in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Self-Awareness 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why do we play theatre games? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can you connect our theatre games to our rehearsals? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. Do inanimate objects have "character?" (Aligns with EO b.) 4. How can a story move from place to place and scene to scene through time? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.7.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Incorporate music, dance, art, and/or media to heighten the connection between performer and audience in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does the incorporation of other arts connect the performer and audience in a drama/theatre work? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.7.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Participate in rehearsals for a drama/theatre work that will be shared with an audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How did it feel to have an audience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What were the differences between rehearsing and performing? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.7.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Compare recorded personal and peer reactions to artistic choices in a drama/ theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why is criticism better than judgment? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Do you hear your peers making fair, grounded criticisms and providing clear meaningful feedback? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What is the difference between meaningful critique and not? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. How can you bypass your initial (first) reaction to have a meaningful critique? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.7.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Identify the artistic choices made based on personal experience in a drama/theatre work. b. Describe how cultural perspectives can influence the evaluation of drama/theatre work. c. Interpret how the use of personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs can be used to discuss drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Data Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Global and Cultural Awareness 4. Empowered Individual: Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why do you think the artists made their choice? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does someone else's perspective differ from yours? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What other experiences in your life can you relate to the piece of theatre you just saw? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.7.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Research and analyze two different versions of the same drama/theatre story to determine differences and similarities in telling the story. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Global and Cultural Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can seeing different perspectives deepen understanding? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Seventh Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.7.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explain preferences, using supporting evidence and criteria to evaluate drama/theatre work. b. Examine the aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theatre work. c. Identify how the intended purpose of a drama/theatre work appeals to a specific audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy 3. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why is exposure to a range of performances necessary to develop strong critical evaluation skills? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What did you like about the technical aspects of the show and why? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What is meant by ""we are our own worst critic?" (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.8.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Imagine and explore multiple perspectives and solutions to staging problems in a drama/theatre work. b. Imagine and explore possible solutions to design challenges of a performance space in a drama/theatre work. c. Develop a scripted or improvised character by articulating the character's inner thoughts, objectives, and motivations in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. In what ways does exploring different perspectives affect the telling of the story visually? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What is unique/a challenge in the space that we can use/overcome to tell our story? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. Why did your character choose that? (Aligns with EO c.) 4. What is the character thinking and how do you know it? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.8.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Articulate and apply background knowledge, research, historical, and cultural context to the development of original ideas for a drama/theatre work. b. Share leadership and responsibilities to develop collaborative goals when preparing or devising drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do we use our experiences to help enhance the story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What shared goals do you and your teammates have? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.8.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Examine and analyze community issue through multiple perspectives in a drama/theatre work. b. Identify and use research and design choices in a drama/theatre work to enhance the work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why are themes in theatre and history cyclical? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did the research enhance the drama/theatre work? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.8.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Use repetition and analysis in order to revise devised or scripted drama/theatre work. b. Refine effective physical, vocal, and physiological traits of characters in an improvised or scripted drama/theatre work. c. Implement and refine a planned technical design using simple technology during the rehearsal process for devised or scripted drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What insights to the character are you discovering in the rehearsal process? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How have you altered the physical, vocal, and psychological choices for your character? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How do technical elements enhance a theatrical performance? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.8.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explore different pacing to better communicate the story in a drama/theatre work. b. Apply and justify various character objectives and tactics in a drama/theatre work to overcome an obstacle. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Creativity and Innovation ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does changing the tempo add or detract from the clarity of the story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What makes a character believable? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How do performers use personal experiences to enhance a scene or improvisation? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.8.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Develop a variety of acting techniques to increase skills in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance. b. Implement a variety of technical elements to create a design for a rehearsal or drama/theater production. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Adaptability and Flexibility ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do performers use characterization techniques to strengthen performance? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What technique helps you the most? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How do technical elements enhance a theatrical performance? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.8.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Identify universal themes or common social issues and express them through a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Social Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What impact does the universal theme or common social issue have on the drama/theatre work? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.8.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Perform/present a rehearsed/designed drama/theatre work for an audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Media Literacy 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What were the differences between performing and rehearsing? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.8.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Apply criteria to analyze artistic choices in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do you use your knowledge and opinions to constructively critique? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.8.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Summarize and share artistic choices when participating in or observing a drama/theatre work. b. Analyze how cultural perspectives influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work. c. Apply personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs to evaluate a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why is it fun to see history brought to life through theatrical design and character representation? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does someone else's perspective differ from your own? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What other experiences in your life can you relate to the piece of theatre your just saw? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.8.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Research and discuss the playwright's intent for a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does studying theatre from a particular time period help us to better understand that era as well as our current time frame? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do theatre participants use their knowledge and opinions to constructively critique? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## Eighth Grade, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.8.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Critique a drama/theatre work using supporting evidence, personal aesthetics, and artistic criteria. b. Analyze the production elements used in a drama/theatre work to assess aesthetic choices. c. Assess the impact of a drama/theatre work on a specific audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Data Literacy 3. Critical Thinking and Analysis ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What criteria did this performance meet? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What criteria is it important to evaluate? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What makes a performance good? (Aligns with EO a.) 4. What transported you to the world? (Aligns with EO b.) 5. What elements effectively connected to the story? (Aligns with EO b.) 6. How did you feel? (Aligns with EO c.) 7. What type of audience are you? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.H1.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Apply basic research to construct ideas about the visual composition of a drama/theatre work. b. Explore the impact of technology on design choices in a drama/theatre work. c. Generate ideas about a character that are believable and authentic using script analysis. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. In what ways does research affect our telling of the story visually? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can using current technologies such as social networking, internet research, and media support assist with telling a story? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How does the ensemble process help to build character? (Aligns with EO c.) 4. How does analyzing character help to understand behavior? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.H1.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explore the function of history and culture in the development of a dramatic concept through a critical analysis of original ideas in a drama/theatre work. b. Investigate the collaborative nature of the actor, director, playwright, and designers to explore their interdependent roles in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Self-Management ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How is the creative process influenced by the technical aspects of a production? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does creating characters enhance real-world connections to literary and historical characters and diverse cultures? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How can one incorporate dance, music, and visual arts in creating a character? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.H1.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Investigate how cultural perspectives, community ideas, and personal beliefs impact a drama/theatre work. b. Explore how personal, cultural, global, and historic belief systems affect creative choices in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Social Awareness 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. In what ways do your own personal beliefs change a drama/theatre work? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does music, dance, or art convey a culture or experience? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H1.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Practice and revise a devised or scripted drama/theatre work using theatrical staging conventions. b. Explore physical, vocal, and physiological choices to develop a performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant to a drama/theatre work. c. Refine technical design choices to support the story and emotional impact of a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can staging influence the clarity of your story? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Do physical, vocal, or psychological choices lead to creating the most believable character? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What revisions did you make from your original idea? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.H1.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Examine how character relationships assist in telling the story of a drama/theatre work. b. Shape artistic choices using given circumstances in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Each actor is responsible for telling their character's story, in what way can you ensure each character's story is told? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why is research in the support of a theatrical production necessary? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How can awareness of history affect the understanding of a production? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. What is the value of exhibiting and understanding technical aspects of a production? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.H1.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Practice various acting techniques to expand skills in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance. b. Use research and script analysis to discover the impact design has for a drama/theatre production. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What different strategies did you try during your rehearsal process? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How did real time decisions in rehearsal influence your designs/technical work? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.H1.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Apply creative processes to tell stories in a scripted drama/theatre work to connect with audience, community, and ensemble. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How was your creative process effective in connecting to the ensemble, community, and audience? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H1.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Perform/present a scripted drama/theatre work for a specific audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Media Literacy 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Does the performance change depending on the audience? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does a performance change? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. Who is the intended audience? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H1.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Respond to what is seen, felt, and heard in a drama/theatre work to develop criteria for artistic choices. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What do you notice? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What was intriguing about this performance? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H1.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Analyze and compare artistic choices developed from personal experiences in multiple drama/theatre works. b. Identify and compare cultural perspectives and contexts that may influence the evaluation of a drama/theatre work. c. Justify personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs through participation in and observation of a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Global and Cultural Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can artistic choices affect a production? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How might someone with a different perspective interpret the performance? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What did you appreciate and why? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.H1.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Implement fundamental theatre research methods to better understand the social and cultural background of a drama/theatre work. b. Connect drama/theatre knowledge, skills, training, and self-discipline needed to pursue career and technical opportunities in theatre to personal skills and goals. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What new discoveries were made in your research to better understand the background of the work? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What skills were necessary for the artists who created a piece of live theatre? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Fundamental Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H1.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Examine a drama/theatre work using supporting evidence and criteria, while considering art forms, history, culture, and other disciplines. b. Evaluate the aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theatre work. c. Adapt a drama/theatre work to impact a specific audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What evidence do you have to support your opinion? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Which elements and principles of design were utilized? How? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What roles does an audience play in a variety of performances? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.H2.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Investigate historical and cultural conventions and their impact on the visual composition of a drama/theatre work. b. Understand and apply technology to design solutions for a drama/theatre work. c. Develop a character that is believable and authentic in a drama/theatre work based on personal experiences and knowledge. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. Why is research in the support of a theatrical production necessary? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why is identifying and understanding design elements critical to the success of a production? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What are the choices you are making to develop your character? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.H2.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Refine a dramatic concept to demonstrate a critical understanding of historical and cultural influences of original ideas applied to a drama/theatre work. b. Cooperate as a creative team to make interpretive choices for a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Self-Management ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What types of themes and practices within a theatrical process can be identified and compared with other mediums? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What are effective methods to determine effective casting, staging, and technical choices? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.H2.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Choose and interpret a drama/theatre work to connect and question beliefs. b. Make creative choices based on connections with the selected topic. c. Integrate connections and knowledge from different art forms and disciplines to develop a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does this material connect to your life? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What impact would performing this material have on yourself or the community? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. How does your design/choice connect to your beliefs about the story? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. In what ways do your connections to other art forms enhance the artistic choices (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H2.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Analyze the dramatic concept and technical design elements of a devised or scripted drama/theatre work through the use of the rehearsal process. b. Revise physical, vocal, and physiological choices impacting the believability and relevance of a drama/theatre work by using research and script analysis. c. Re-imagine and revise technical design choices during the course of a rehearsal process to enhance the story and emotional impact of a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Collaboration and Teamwork 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How are technical conventions being used throughout rehearsal to convey meaning? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Which acting method had the biggest impact on your physical, vocal, and psychological choices? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How did collaboration influence your revisions? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.H2.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Analyze how unique choices shape believable and sustainable drama/theatre work. b. Assess how essential text information, research from various sources, and the director's concept influence artistic choices in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What skills are essential in portraying a believable character? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What is the director's responsibility in regard to their commitment to the production? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.H2.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Refine a range of acting skills to build a believable and sustainable drama/theatre performance. b. Apply technical elements and research to create a design that communicates the concept of a drama/theatre production. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Adaptability and Flexibility 3. Self-Advocacy and Initiative ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How is the creative process influenced by the technical aspects of a production? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What are the best practices to facilitate rehearsal? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.H2.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Execute creative processes to tell stories in a scripted drama/theatre work, to connect with audience, community, and ensemble. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Social Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How has your performance grown in connecting with the audience, community, and ensemble? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H2.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Present a drama/theatre work using creative processes that shape the production for a specific audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Interpersonal Communication 2. Media Literacy 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does the production process impact the final product? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do performance styles affect the outcome of a production? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What criteria make a play performance better or worse than another? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H2.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Respond to what is seen, felt, and heard in a drama/theatre work to critique artistic choices and justify meaningful feedback based on historical, cultural, and personal context. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does objectivity relate to experiencing a piece of art? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How would you have done the work differently? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H2.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Develop detailed supporting evidence and criteria to reinforce artistic choices, when participating in or observing a drama/theatre work. b. Apply concepts from a drama/theatre work for personal realization about cultural perspectives and understanding. c. Debate and distinguish multiple aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs through participation in and observation of drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Data Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Global and Cultural Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What components involved in this production supported the purpose of the show? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can theatre ethics be applied to one's own work? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What does theatrical convention teach about style? (Aligns with EO c.) 4. How can artistic choices affect a production? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.H2.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Explore how personal beliefs and biases can affect the interpretation of research data applied in drama/theatre work. b. Connect drama/theatre knowledge, skills, training, and self-discipline needed to pursue career and technical opportunities outside of theatre. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do your choices affect the outcome of an artistic work? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What happens when theatre artists use their imaginations and/or learned theatre skills while engaging in creative exploration and inquiry? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Advanced Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H2.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Analyze and assess a drama/theatre work by connecting it to art forms, history, culture, and other disciplines using supporting evidence and criteria. b. Construct meaning in a drama/theatre work, considering personal aesthetics and knowledge of production elements while respecting others' interpretations. c. Verify how a drama/theatre work communicates for a specific purpose and audience. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Data Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does your evidence support your opinion? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can you use elements of design differently to have the same effect? Or a different effect? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. Did the audience get the intended purpose? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 1. Theatre artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.H3.1.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Synthesize knowledge from a variety of dramatic forms, theatrical conventions and technologies to create the visual composition of a drama/theatre work. b. Create a complete design for a drama/theatre work that incorporates all elements of technology. c. Integrate cultural and historical contexts with personal experiences to create a character that is believable and authentic in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What theatrical conventions have impacted your choices? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does the process of collaboration impact the design? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How do the various design elements/technical conventions complement one another? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. How does creating a believable character affect the final product and inform the playwright's intent? (Aligns with EO c.) 5. How can the use of character development techniques, both internal and external, result in well-rounded characters? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 2. Theatre artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. GLE Code: DT.H3.1.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Develop and synthesize original ideas in a drama/theatre work utilizing critical analysis, historical and cultural context, research, and Western or non-Western theatre traditions. b. Collaborate as a creative team to discover artistic solutions and make interpretive choices in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Creativity and Innovation 3. Collaboration and Teamwork ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How did you adapt theatre traditions to influence your vision? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does the inclusion of media, cinema, film, environmental, and technical effects enhance the theatrical product? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 3. Theatre artists seek awareness of interrelationships between self and others to influence and inform their work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic ideas to personal experience and varied perspectives. GLE Code: DT.H3.1.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Collaborate on a drama/theatre work that examines a critical global issue using multiple personal, community, and cultural perspectives. b. Justify the creative choices made in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work, based on a critical interpretation of specific data on ensemble, community. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Critical Thinking and Analysis 2. Global and Cultural Awareness 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What perspectives are represented in the drama/theatre work? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How were your choices influenced by your interpretation of data? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 1. Create ### Prepared Graduates: 4. Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Refine towards completion of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H3.1.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Refine, transform, and re-imagine a devised or scripted drama/theatre work using the rehearsal process to invent or re-imagine style, genre, form, and conventions. b. Synthesize ideas from research, script analysis, and context to create a performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant in a drama/theatre work. c. Connect technical proficiencies to the rehearsal process to support the story and emotional impact of a devised or scripted drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Career Awareness 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does redefining a character affect the final product and inform the playwright's intent? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What insight did you gain from your research? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What do you need to do in order to have a successful production? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 5. Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.H3.2.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Apply reliable research of directors' styles to form unique choices for a directorial concept in a drama/theatre work. b. Formulate an approach to artistic choices in a drama/theatre work based on a variety of researched techniques. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 3. Perseverance and Resilience ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can you creatively approach a text in putting it on stage? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How do you plan to apply your concept and collaborate within the production? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 6. Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Develop and refine artistic techniques, choices, and work for presentation. GLE Code: DT.H3.2.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Perform and justify a collection of acting exercises from reliable resources to prepare a believable and sustainable performance. b. Explain and justify the selection of technical elements used to build a design that communicates the concept of a drama/theatre production. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Self-Advocacy and Initiative 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do acting exercises aid in the development of believable dialogue and characters? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How would you justify the balance of original technical ideas with the requirements called for in the script? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 7. Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic work with audience, community, and ensemble. GLE Code: DT.H3.2.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Effectively execute creative processes to tell stories in a devised or scripted drama/theatre work, to connect with audience, community, and ensemble. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Adaptability and Flexibility 2. Social Awareness 3. Civic Engagement ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do the efforts of other artists connect to the final presentation or production? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 2. Perform ### Prepared Graduates: 8. Theatre artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H3.2.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Present a drama/theatre production for a specific audience that employs research and analysis grounded in the creative perspectives of the playwright, director, designer, and dramaturg. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Social Awareness 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How does the knowledge of historical periods impact overall production value? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How does performing in different forms and styles teach the actor? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. Why this show? Why now? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 9. Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences. ### Grade Level Expectation: 1. Perceive and analyze artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H3.3.1 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Respond to what is seen, felt, and heard in a drama/theatre work to analyze artistic choices and justify meaningful feedback based on historical, cultural, and personal context. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Self-Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How do you connect what you experienced to what you already know? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. Why is creating an interdisciplinary drama or theatre project significant? (Aligns with EO a.) 3. What did you gain from the theatrical experience? (Aligns with EO a.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 10. Theatre artists' interpretations of drama/theatre work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics. ### Grade Level Expectation: 2. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H3.3.2 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Revise personal work and interpret the work of others when participating in or observing a drama/theatre work using detailed supporting evidence and appropriate criteria. b. Shape personal responses to drama/theatre work by utilizing new understandings of cultures and contexts. c. Support and explain aesthetics, preferences and beliefs to create a context for critical research that informs artistic decisions in a drama/theatre work. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Data Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Global and Cultural Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What changes would you make in the artistic process? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can awareness of theatre history affect the understanding of a production? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. How do historical perspectives affect today's productions? (Aligns with EO b.) 4. How will you know that you are successful? (Aligns with EO c.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 11. Theatre artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 3. Connect artistic experiences to our world; past, present, and future. GLE Code: DT.H3.3.3 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Present and support an opinion about the social, cultural, and historical understandings of a drama/theatre work, based on critical research. b. Connect personal knowledge, skills, training, and self-discipline needed to pursue personal career goals in theatre. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Digital Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Career Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. What new understanding were discovered about the drama/theatre work through critical research? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. What new knowledge or skills learned will you carry forward in a career in theatre? (Aligns with EO b.) # Drama and Theatre Arts ## High School - Professional Pathway, Standard 3. Critically Respond ### Prepared Graduates: 12. Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work. ### Grade Level Expectation: 4. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work. GLE Code: DT.H3.3.4 #### Evidence Outcomes ##### Students Can: a. Research and synthesize cultural and historical information related to a drama/theatre work to support or evaluate artistic choice. b. Analyze and evaluate varied aesthetic interpretations of production elements for the same drama/theatre work. c. Compare and debate the connection between a drama/theatre work and contemporary issues that may impact audiences. #### Academic Context and Connections ##### Colorado Essential Skills: 1. Media Literacy 2. Critical Thinking and Analysis 3. Social Awareness ##### Inquiry Questions: 1. How can you have a greater impact with your body of evidence? (Aligns with EO a.) 2. How can you use the principles of composition to have the same effect? Different effect? (Aligns with EO b.) 3. What perspective will your audience bring into the space? (Aligns with EO c.) 4. What do you want your audience to consider after viewing your production? (Aligns with EO c.) 5. How would you prepare for a talkback? What can you anticipate from your audience? (Aligns with EO c.)